
Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses

We want to find the best solution for your individual day-to-day activities, whether it’s simply that you are looking for a new look or a more practical solution when playing sports, going out or travelling, contact lenses are a great choice for many people. Most people can wear contact lenses regardless of age or prescription type.

At Clearsight Opticians, we have a wide range of contact lenses that we can offer you. Our qualified contact lens Optician can fit and prescribe the best lens for you. During your consultation, we take measurements and discuss what your ideal contact lens would be based on your daily life. After establishing which lens type is suitable, we teach you how to wear lenses safely and comfortably. Then you can go off with your brand-new look and experience the contact lenses in the real world! Regular aftercare appointments are important to make sure you are always wearing the best product for your eyes and to make sure you are able to wear lenses safely and comfortably for the long term.

Are you not a fan of wearing contact lenses or spectacles during the day? Have you tried soft contact lenses and never gotten on with them? Imagine waking up in the morning to perfect vision! Most shortsighted (myopic) people cannot do this without first putting on their glasses. At Clearsight Opticians we offer OrthoK contact lenses- these lenses ‘reshape’ the clear window at the front of the eye while you sleep, so that when you wake up you don’t need any glasses or contact lens correction.

How to Insert Contact Lenses

How to Remove Contact Lenses

Contact Lens Appointments

If you are already a contact lens wearer and are coming to see us for a check-up – please don’t forget to wear your lenses when you attend for your appointment: you need to have been wearing them for at least one hour before we examine your eyes.

To make an appointment, call us on 01908 504740 or book online.

Book an Eye Test

You can easily book an Eye Test with Clearsight Opticians.
Simply call us on: 01908 504740

Walk-in to Us

Come and pay us a visit!
We’re located in the Westcroft District Centre, at: 11 Barnsdale Dr, Westcroft, Milton Keynes, MK4 4DD

Our Opening Times are as follows –
Monday to Friday: 9.30am – 1.00pm, 2.00pm to 5.30pm
Saturday: 9.30am to 1.00pm, 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Sunday: CLOSED

Why not request an appointment online at your convenience.

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